sexta-feira, setembro 29, 2006

Reativar a ironicamente "futilidade" desvendada pela importante pessoa "anônima"...
Não consigo!
Desculpas à parte...
Apenas estou seguindo a velha rotina de um fdp*
Estudando para a "Ordem" e trabalhando para o "Progresso".
Pra que?
Deixa pra lá...

Ainda mais faltando dois dias para que os fdp* exerçam a cidadania. Não quero argumentar! (ou lamentar?)
Talvez os atos e fatos orindos da "Selva de Concreto", situada no meio do cerrado da mãe gentil, respondam por si e por nós, seus queridos e talvez não mais bobos...

*Filhos da Pátria

Concrete Jungle
Bob Marley

No sun will shine in my day today

(No sun will shine.)
The high yellow moon won't come out to play
(Won't come out to play.)
Darkness has covered my light (and has changed,)
And has changed my day into night
Now where is this love to be found, won't someone tell me?
'Cause life, sweet life, must be somewhere to be found, yeah
Instead of a concrete jungle where the livin' is hardest
Concrete jungle, oh man, you've got to do your best, yeah.

No chains around my feet, but I'm not free
I know I am bound here in captivity
And I've never known happiness, and I've never known sweetcaresses
Still, I be always laughing like a clown
Won't someone help me?
Cause, sweet life, I've, I've got to pick myself from off theground, yeah
In this here concrete jungle,
I say, what do you got for me now?
Concrete jungle, oh, why won't you let me be now?

I said life must be somewhere to be found, yeah
Instead of a concrete jungle, illusion, confusion
Concreate jungle, yeah
Concrete jungle, you name it, we got it, concrete jungle now

Concrete jungle, what do you got for me now

P.S.: Escutem a ótima versão dessa música com a cantora Céu.

domingo, setembro 10, 2006
